Profesorki w sejmach PRL... Przyczynek do badań subiektywnego poczucia sprawczości


  • Edyta Chrobaczyńska-Plucińska Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie



The aim of this paper is to point to the aspect of subjective sense of personal causative power amongst
female professors who held their seats during the People’s Republic of Poland. In her research, the author
seeks an answer to the question whether the female deputies distinguished by their double role had a sense
of subjective causative power, analysing their personal reflection expressed on the subject in available
sources. The research in a broader aspect contributes to the question whether women, especially those
with a high professional and social status, playing political roles in the Real Socialist system had a real impact
on changing the existing reality and whether their activity translated into specific normative decisions or
solutions of a permanent nature.


